Course Offered

A. Programme offered for B.A Honours & Regular(CBCS)

Compulsory Subjects:
  1. English/Assamese Communication (1st/2nd Sem).
  2. Environmental Studies (2nd Sem).
Honours Subjects:
  1. Assamese.
  2. English.
  3. Economics.
  4. Education.
  5. Philosophy.
  6. History.
  7. Political Science.
  8. Arabic.
  9. Sanskrit
Vocational Subjects:
  1. Computer Application

N.B.:- Students offering Major in any one of the above Subjects will have to take one of the following Regular Subjects.

Regular Subjects:
  1. Economics.
  2. Education.
  3. Elective Assamese.
  4. Political Science.
  5. History.
  6. Philosophy.
  7. Arabic.
  8. Sanskrit
  9. Computer Application
  10. Alternative English.

B. Combinations of Major & Regular Subjects for TDC (Semester)

Honours Subjects Regular Subjects
Assamese Economics/Political Science/History/Philosophy/Education/Arabic/Asl/sanskrit/CA
English Economics/Political Science/History/Philosophy/Education/Arabic/Asl/sanskrit/CA
Economics Political Science/History/Philosophy/Education/Arabic/Asl/sanskrit/CA
Political Science Economics/History/Philosophy/Education/Arabic/Asl/sanskrit/CA
Philosophy Economics/Political Science/History/Education/Arabic/Asl/sanskrit/CA
History Economics/Political Science/Philosophy/Education/Arabic/Asl/sanskrit/CA
Education Economics/Political Science/History/Philosophy/Arabic/Asl/sanskrit/CA
Arabic Political Science/History/Philosophy/Education/Asl/sanskrit/CA
Sanskrit Economics/Political Science/History/Philosophy/Education/Arabic/Asl/CA

C. 6 (Six) Months Diploma Course under UGC Scheme

Diploma in Food Processing
Diploma in Fashion Designing
Seat Limited : Selected Candidates will get Scholarship. (Admission Fees Rs. 6000/-)

D. Admission in IDOL (Two Years M.A.)

Those Students who are willing to take admission in IDOL, they must consult with the co-ordinator. Following programmes are offered under IDOL.

Assamese English Education Political Science History Economics Philosophy

E. Diploma Course
UGC Sponsored Diploma Course

Fashion Designing
Food Processing

Admision process of the 1st batch of the above mentioned courses is over. The class will commences from 4th July 2014.

Gauhati University has alloted 20 marks in each paper out of 100 marks it is accessed on the basis of home assignments, attendance, internal examinations, etc.

Those students who are willing to take admission in IDOL and KKHSOU they have to consult with the coordinator Mr Sanjoy kr Sarma. Ph No-9707550212 /7002443408. Following programmes are offered under IDOL &KKHSOU Subjects; [1]Assamese.[2]English.[3]Education [4]Political Science.[5]History [6]Sanskrit (7) Economics, (8) Philosophy (9) Sociology

Students should apply to the principal through the Head of the Dept. of the concerned subject within fifteen days of admission for the change of subject. No application of such change will be allowed after fifteen days from the commencement of classes.

A non-transferable identity Card is issued to each student. The Card must be duly endorsed by the Principal. It should be renewed in the beginning of every Academic session. Duplicate indent card is issued in case of loss damage of the card on payment of the identity card fee. A student who is awarded a scholarship must produce his/her identity card at the time of drawing the money.

The library has one students reading room and one teachers reading room. Library Opening Hours – Weekdays; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday;10 am to 1 p.m. Issue Time : 11am In no case a students can keep a book for more than 15 days from the date of issue. If he/she does not return the book within 15 days, a fine of Rs. 2.00 per day upto 15 days and Rs. 2.00 per day there after will be imposed.

State and central govt. scholarships :
  1. National merit scholarship
  2. State scholarship
  3. S. C /S. T scholarship
  4. O.B.C scholarship
  5. Minority scholarship
Special merit scholarship:
  1. Those students admitted in our college securing star marks in the H.S. Exam. Will be offered special merit scholarship from the college fund.
  2. A special concession will be offered to the top 5(five) poor 1st division holder students at the time of admission.
  3. Girish ch. Roy memoral Award for the best Arts Graduate of the college. (Not regular)


Sl. No Subject B.A (Honours) B.A (Regular)
1 Assamese 40 400
2 English 40 400
3 Education 40 400
4 Economics 40 400
5 History 40 400
6 Philosophy 40 400
7 Political science 40 400
8 Arabic 40 400
9 Sanskrit 40 400
10 Computer Application 40 400
